K'shtah Cinder

The Monochrome Veena with a love for flowers and a secret hidden in fall leaves. A silver tongue, used only when needed. However sit down at his bar, you may find yourself pouring tales from your life unto this barkeeps ears. More than intended...Yet, will he tell you any of his?

Basic Info

Names: K'shtah Cinder, Cin, Cinny, Autumn, King Autumn, King of Rot and DecayRace: Veen Viera/Fae of AutumnGender: Cis/MaleSexuality: PansexualAge: He has a very old soul but on this shard he appears to be 28.Relationship: Taken outside of AUsFamily: Miqo'te Adoptee MotherOccupation: Bar Owner and FloristHobbies: Hunting in the wilds, watching the sky, walks amongst nature, poetry, visiting cafes/cake shops.


Broken down into two parts, his time as a fae and his time as Cinder. The stories have started to entwine, what once was will be again. However to know where it till end, first you need to know the start.

The days of Fae

The Kings of the Four Seasons, one for each. They towered over all other fae but one, the true ruler. Each would hail in a new season when it was their time, keep their small piece of the universe ticking over and over. Days filled with revelry and laughter, mischief and sin.While the fae were technically immortal, sometimes they grew tired and chose to be reborn anew. The Kings were no different, though there had been few change overs, it had happened before and so it happened again.Autumn, the newest ruler of Autumn. Known as the King of Rot and Decay, he beckoned flowers and plants to rest once more. Under his gaze and touch, life wavers for he brings in the fall. The bright colours of leaves contrasting with grey skies and dark nights.Not all the seasons welcomed the newest King. Least of all Summer, they had never enjoyed seeing the skies dull and their flowers close. Still, they had been close with the last king. This imposter was no Autumn of theirs.Years, decades and centuries past. That resentment did not, it festered like the powers that writhed in the one of Summer's ire.And eventually conflict, small at first. Autumn, by far one of the strongest yet had little control over his powers. For one beloved by flowers, it broke him to see them rot without intention.It was the perfect insult, Summer would sling many his way. Solitude because Autumn's companion, in a domain of crimson and ombre. He kept away, thorns, brambles and vines encasing his tower. Rarely seen, unless his subjects needed him.(To be continued)

A new birth, a new life.

Cinder was alone from his day of birth. The blood of the Clan running through his veins were known for their white freckles and grey skin. Fierce and almost clinical in their rulings. As a runt born with partial blindness, his fate was sealed.
Before the forest could take this boy back to the earth, a Miqo'te couple happened upon the unfortunate scene. A new-born, discarded in plain sight. And so began the monochrome viera's new life in Limsa.
As the years passed, he would grow up knowing nothing but love from the two kindly souls he knew as parents. His father, a field scholar who researched ancient civilisations and ruins held them all together. Then an unfortunate exploration outing snuffed out his life in mere seconds. And so a mourning wife and son were left to rebuild anew.A teenage boy, would run around in the Limsan Slums and bars. Hair dragging along the floor and a tongue dipped in silver. He had met a man who promised the world. Unlike that promise, that world was made from flesh, blood and ruin. This organisation held a grip on the barely teenage boy, yet he moved forward over and over. Till with the gil stored away, he fled.Taking his mother to Ishgard, settling in a small apartment. Through the taverns, he learnt many a skill and before long he would be behind the bar himself. With an affinity for mixing drinks and tongue still laced with silver, he found a new career and life. Sometimes mixing with the socialites of Ishgard as an exotic piece of arm candy during balls or festivities. Picking up the speech, mannerisms and habits to see him through these jobs, such as the art of dance.Eventually, he was ready to spread his wings. Money in tow, he snapped up his own bar. Crafting a dimly lit venue for those night owls to rest their weary feet. Stocked with a plethora of personally made cocktails recipes and a range of strange patrons, The Royal Revelry set him on a new path.Soon after, once he'd settled into a work life came his home ownership. Feeling free at last, he settled down in the Goblet. Surrounding himself with scent of nature and blooming flowers, his florist shop quickly came together.The workaholic Veena finally seemed to have found peace for a time, however when he met a Miqo'te with beautiful white hair everything changed. Little did he know the fates had more cruel intentions for him, for sometimes love is not enough and it is easy to be blinded and used in the haze of romance. And so, he fell back into the web and that mysterious organisation came to lock their jaws around his throat once more.Patrons may question sometimes why he has such a large stock of potions, his answer will always be the same. "Oh my mother is a healer so I just tend to have plenty around." Lies slipping from his lips like melting ice.When he has finally had enough, sometimes he can be found in the wilds around Dravania. Gunblade in hand, more feral than man. Crimson under his fingertips as he trains on large prey, somewhere he shed his manners and purely exist.

Socials and RP


Discord: CharlloweenTwitter: cinderffxivIn-game: K'shtah CinderVenue: EU-Chaos Spriggan Empyreum Ward 8 Plot 42 (Fridays 9PMST)


I enjoy new roleplay ideas with others. Typically interactions are taken as non canon to his existing story however I'm open for discussion for platonic SFW roleplay. A more in-depth conversation will be needed if you plan to know Cin canonically.Only a few things to consider, I do not tolerate the intolerant. I appreciate open and clear communication and I only RP with 18+


  • You heard there was an expert mixologist in Ishgard, possibly just rumours but it's worth checking out.

  • Great blooms and an overwhelming smell of live comes from a small florist shop. Maybe a peek wouldn't hurt, after all rumours say there are also rare herbs being sold.

  • People whisper of a dark figure, bathed in the darkness of the forest. There are rotted footprints worn into the grass, you've been asked to look into it.